My Creative Loves - Fashion

My Creative Loves Fashion Header Blank.jpg

When I was a little girl, once a year my mom would take me on a shopping adventure to buy a new fancy dress to wear for special occasions like, performances and pictures.

As we wandered through the racks of dresses at Kiddie Castle (the local dress shop), I would measure each dress by one important rule - did it look like it had a twirly skirt? If so, I would try it on, if not, no dice.

As I tried on the dresses I had deemed twirl worthy enough to make it to round two, I would venture out of the dressing room, stand in-front of the big store mirrors, and twirl in circles to see how much the dress spun out around me.

The dress that usually made the final cut was the twirliest of them all, and left me with the feeling of dancing on cloud nine. (For my mom, additional bonus marks were scored if the dress was on sale 😂).

In many ways, my relationship with fashion hasn't changed that much since those twirly years. Clothing has always been a source of fun for me, and the outfits I wear on a daily basis almost always reflect my mood.

This also carries over into the clothing I wear when I perform. When I'm putting together a program, and learning new music, I often imagine the outfit I will wear when I perform.

There is nothing I love more, than to bring everything together with an outfit that reflects the mood of the music I am creating.

It is the ultimate creative twirl 😊

P.S. love this fabulous photo and art by @fahrenhaute