The Deep Dead Of Winter


While I love the energy, the vivid colours, the long sunny days, and the warm patio sitting nights of summer; there is something about the deep dead of winter that speaks to my soul too.

The peaceful glittering blankets of snow perched delicately on every nook and cranny, the striated shades of inky indigo and grey that line the sky just before the snow comes, the crisp frost that hangs in the air and draws intricate icey lace on the windows, and the long dark nights. There is no sense of urgency, no worry to make the most of the day before the day before the warm weather fades that comes with the summer months.

Things move slowly and there is time for silence.

The deep dead of winter; a time for hibernating, for ruminating, and for germinating new ideas that will bloom in the spring to come 🌱