Autumn Leaves Visual Campaign


When it came to creating the social media visual campaign and music video for Autumn Leaves, I knew I wanted to make something that was a bit dark, moody and reflective of the many introspective and saturated colours and moods of Autumn.

I felt this would capture both feel of Fall, and the calmer contemplative feel of the musical arrangement I had created.

In a departure from my usual photo style, I decided I wanted all the photos of me to be more serious and moody…no big smiles for this campaign! While I love to smile and have fun, I also feel mellow and contemplative sometimes and I wanted to showcase that side of my personality.

I shot the video during the spring inside my small studio space so unfortunately there were not any fall elements except for the outfit I choose to wear. To create a bit of Fall dimension I decided to bring the natural elements in by using still life nature photography. My mom, Diane Michaels, is a lovely still life photographer and she generously allowed me to feature some of her photos in the visual campaign and video. Some of my still life photos are featured as well.

When I first started creating the campaign I wasn’t sure exactly what it would look like, but I was so excited with the way it turned out, and I really hope you enjoy it too!

You can find the visual social media campaign below, along with links to stream the audio recording of Autumn Leaves, the Music and Behind The Scenes Videos and the research resources used to create my song history and liner notes posts.

Until next time!




Autumn Leaves Visual Campaign

Click on each image to enlarge it and see the caption.



Autumn Leaves Audio Recording Streaming & Download Links

Click the link below to stream Autumn Leaves on your favorite platform like Spotify or Apple Music or purchase a digital download directly from my Bandcamp page.

P.S. if you really enjoy it, please consider adding it to your favorite playlist :)




Official Music Video and Behind The Scenes/Making of Video